You know how it goes... some days you feel like you've opted for the position of Wonder Woman; expected to be miracle worker, agony aunt, magician, machine & encyclopaedia all at once whilst also looking the epitome of health & beauty & wellness! So how do we get through the day making sure there is plenty left in our cup for ourselves too? What are the things we can focus on to make sure we feel good whilst our clients rave about us? We came up with a list of qualities we can easily develop to help us love the career we have chosen long time. These are especially useful for new graduates about to enter the world of work in a Beauty Salon, Massage Clinic or Day Spa; but it's also great to review & adjust how we're travelling because it is so easy to get into exhausting patterns - we'd love to know what you think! Can you add to our list? 1. A Warm, Inviting Smile! You know the old adage, smile and the whole world smiles with you... First impressions are extremely important. It's said we make our minds up about whether we're comfortable with someone in the first few seconds of meeting them, so it makes perfect sense to welcome your client with a huge warm smile. ...You know how it feels when someone smiles at you! Contagious! So something as simple as a smile can erase any anxious thoughts for both of you and make your next hour or so get off to a really flying start. 2. Immaculate Presentation Salons & clinics work hard to make sure every sense is soothed within their environment and that includes the visual element - which of course you are a part of! Clients look to us as role models in personal care and wellbeing so it stands to reason that we look our best each and every work day. They look to us for quick tips on feeling good and looking good and of course, when we walk the talk we sell more treatments and products, and our clients get better results - so everyone wins! Pay particular attention to those things your salon can help your clients with... glowing skin, perfectly manicured nails, a beautiful tan, great brow shape, flawless makeup... the list goes on! And of course you'll be 'Lookin' Good, Feelin' Great!' to boot! 3. Flawless Personal Hygiene We should be squeaky clean and smelling of roses! But of course not in a way that competes with our essential oils and fragrance burners! Regular hair washing, daily showering, cleansing & exfoliating and a good deodorant should ensure we arrive fresh for work - and regular re-application of deodorant if necessary can make sure we stay fresh all day long. Make sure you deal to facial blemishes too, especially pustules; because when our skin is healthy and glowing it will attract clients to book treatments and buy the products you recommend too. Cha Ching! 4. Relaxed, Re-assuring Demeanour Sometimes this is easier said than done, especially for new therapists. Working at such close proximity with a client can be overwhelming at times, especially those 'picky' ones... you know the ones I mean! They know what they want and they don't mind telling you, and they're very specific and perhaps a little anxious of the potential results themselves. Pressure! The best thing you can do in this situation is firstly relax yourself, take control of the situation and put your client's mind at rest. Listen carefully and use words that portray your understanding of what they need. Let them know you understand these are 'their brows' or 'their nails' or 'their body' and check your progress with them at different stages of the treatment so there can be no surprises at the end. Be confident about your professional qualifications and extensive training. When you exude confidence and show your client you are listening they will begin to relax and trust... ahhhhh! COMING SOON: You told us you want it! FREE Online Tutorial - Therapists Building Confidence - - ENROLL HERE 5. An Understanding of Hidden Agendas Come on, we've all had it, that client who comes in for her tinting or nails and talks constantly throughout the treatment! You know all about her family and dramas; the highs and the lows! You're a captive audience and that off-loading is really good for her. She's gaining perspective on her life while she talks and a problem shared is often a problem halved. Lots of our clients come for treatments for reasons other than the results we advertise. Clients come for different reasons. Some come because they need to totally switch off; some come to honour and feel good about themselves - and some come because they don't feel good about themselves at all. Maybe they're seeking solace because their lives are falling apart; need massage because their anxiety is through the roof; skincare because they are so self-conscious; maybe even waxing because their partners shame them if they don't. We can't know their stories. But if we can develop a sensitivity to what it might be and couple that with great life skills and our relaxed assuring demeanour, our clients will feel our understanding that these agendas exist and we will have clients & referrals for life. COMING SOON: FREE Online Tutorials - ENROLL HERE 6. Empathy Empathy is the ability to put yourself in your clients' shoes, feel the emotions they must be experiencing at a deep level and acknowledge their 'situation' in a positive way. It's bigger than sympathy which can often be just a show of sorrow and pity endorsing a feeling of victim within the 'individual'. The use of empathy will encourage clients to see their situation as separate from themselves and give them hope for emotional recovery. It's all in the language we use and it's well worth the effort of learning how to make a difference through empathy. The rewards to both you and your client are priceless when you help them in this way. COMING SOON: FREE Online Tutorial - Therapists Building Empathy - - ENROLL HERE 7. Attentiveness We know better but much of society still views our therapies as 'discretionary spend'; eg. non-essential. We know in times of financial stress our treatments are often the first to be cut from our clients' budgets and so it is imperative to our craft and our businesses that we deliver exceptional service. Attention to detail and our client's every sense will ensure we deliver over and above their every expectation. Adding value to their time with us will give us an 'essential' place in their hearts. Concerning ourselves with how they feel and not just treatment results will add a level of value and differentiate us from any thought of 'not-essential'! Every treatment we do can be spectacular. We can add touch and meditative services to just about every item on our menu and we can ensure extra comfort at just about every stage. Our attentiveness to detail combined with the 11 other qualities listed here can create enormous loyalty, referral and safeguard our livelihoods. 8. Excellent Time Management This is something which came up extensively in our recent survey from our newly graduated therapists. It can be a shock moving from the learning environment to the reality of the day to day business needs. To be profitable we must be efficient with our time. Time is money but making our clients feel rushed = loss of clients! So how do we strike the balance that allows us the time to deliver over and above our clients' expectations in the time we have allocated? That is the million dollar question! We could liken ourselves to swans gliding swiftly across the surface of a lake whilst their legs are paddling 10 to the dozen underneath! We can't see the legs but we know they are there. This is our challenge too. The secret is in being organised, preparation is all. But also understanding that things do take time. Not many salons have 'clean-up time' scheduled into the diary these days so it is important to learn to 'clean AND tidy as you go' and to add in ample time at the end of the treatment for your client to recover and dress in a way which won't delay the commencement of your next client's treatment . COMING SOON: Online Tutorial - Working in a Fast-Paced Salon - - ENROLL HERE 9. Be both Efficient AND Effective Which comes first? The chicken or the egg? We could ask this same question about being effective and efficient. But for the purposes of profit in a salon environment it must be efficiency or the business would not last long. We've said before, time is money and only the efficient use of every hour of every day will help to positively balance the books. Efficiency will come from your excellent time management skills and effectiveness will come from your excellent education and training in your modalities. When we are organised, prepared and confident in our processes we are relaxed and able to do the very best job we can in the time allowed. COMING SOON: Online Tutorial - Working in a Fast-Paced Salon - - ENROLL HERE 10. Be Knowledgeable The general public is very astute & educated these days. The internet and social media means they can google just about anything - and the things they are interested in then arrive as if by magic (actually by cookies!) straight into their feeds and inboxes. There will be times when you realise your client is possibly better educated in a subject than you are and so it is really important that you commit to lifelong learning and keeping up with hot topics and the evolution of our industry. Joining an industry association and choosing one other reputable source of regular information is a good start and over time doing some research and building up to several different sources of input is also a good idea. At Evolution Schools we are committed to helping industry graduates feel and be their very best in and out of work each and every day. Keep in touch! SIGN UP for our Newsletter HERE! 11. Be Credible Credibility is built through honesty and transparency. Never lie about what you know. Be confident and up front enough to tell your client if you are unsure about the information or advice they seek. We are only human and are not expected to know everything. Generally we will be specialists in the areas that interest us most. It is easy to feel that we should know everything and it takes only moments to blurt out your best guess. But in doing so you may break your clients' trust and your professional credibility with it. It takes strength & confidence to admit you don't know something but honesty is always the best policy. Admit where you are not sure and offer to do some research for your client. They will thank you, and you will thank yourself in the long-run! COMING SOON: FREE Online Tutorial - Therapists Building Confidence - ENROLL HERE 12. Perfection We left this one till last on purpose! Numbers 1-11 will set the stage for your perfection. But only excellent education, training and personal work ethic will bring ultimate client satisfaction. When we rush, when we accept less than our best we let ourselves, our team and our industry down. Letting a client leave the salon less than satisfied will only cost you later and probably after they have told everyone they know. The stats say that happy clients on average tell 4-6 people about their experience... and dissatisfied clients tell between 9 and 15 (with 13% of those telling 20+). With each individual's access to social media it's not worth the risk to cut corners or do half a job. That's why it's incredibly important that we as therapists work on our own personal development - on our own anxieties and confidence levels in order that we can make the best decisions in the moment at every moment no matter what is occurring. COMING SOON: FREE Online Tutorial - Therapists Building Confidence - - ENROLL HERE Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!
AuthorWelcome to Evolution School's blog. Our blogs are written mostly by our team and occasionally, through invitation, by industry experts. If you have something you think will be awesome for our new graduates and our wonderful established therapists & small business owners to read please get in touch. Our aim is to help therapists everywhere feel and be their absolute best. Categories