STAR programme Introduction to the Beauty Industry Level 2 11 Credits
Attendance: 9am – 2.30pm for 3 days Workbook to complete at home / in school
Dress code: school uniform or plain black trousers and plain black t-shirt with short sleeves (Underarms must be covered). Flat covered shoes with light coloured soles. Smart standard. Hair tied back. Clean short nails with no varnish. No visible piercings other than ears.
Prerequisites: none but homework tasks will be required
Talk to your careers guidance officer at your school This programme will introduce you to the beauty industry, enabling you to assist with some aspects within a beauty salon, beauty counter or other related business. You will gain a thorough understanding of the personal presentation requirements of the industry and the resource management and hygiene requirements of a working clinic or salon including sustainability, client service and more. TOTAL CREDITS 11 at Level 2